Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Worker's Day

Sunday, was the 1st of May. That means Workers day here in Sunny South Africa, (Labour Day in America however, celebrates the same thing but was moved to September, as having it on the 1st of May would be seen as commemorating the May Day riots and that would be... Bad) and International Worker's day in other places on this world. It is celebrated to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. Here's the Wiki link if you're interested. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers'_Day).

So... This morning I just watched Fight Club. I do not exaggerate when I say that it is the epic-est movie I have ever seen in my 18 years and 3 weeks of extra-uterine life.
I mean REALLY!! How awesome can you get!!
"Use Soap." *Commence Hysterical Screaming

Strangely, after watching Jack/Tyler shoot himself in the jaw, all I thought of was this guy:

Maximilien Robespierre
Grandé dictateur sanguinaire
(Big, bloodthirsty dictator)
Robespierre was a big-wig (Yes, it was on purpose, yes, I am that cool) in the French Revolution leading the Jacobins - They sound familiar If you've ever seen becoming Jane "My husband had a previous engagement your honor. With Madamé le guillotine." Later in the scene she says something about the Jacobin's guillotining her husband. The 'She' in question is their cousin who winds up marrying Jane's brother - They were extremists, anti-monarchists and well... Revolutionists.

Storming the Bastille 14 July 1789

They implemented the Reign of Terror, (September 5, 1793, to July 17, 1794) killed all their opposition, the monarchy, the aristocracy and other people who were just unlucky. It ended on the day that guy (pictured above) was executed, by a monster of his own making (I love Irony, I will dedicate an entire post to it in the near future). 

Before they liberated his head from its bodily responsibilities (Like keeping him alive "I am Robespierre's Medulla Oblongata, without me, he cannot keep his own heart beating...") he caused the death of Marie Antionette (Which I take personally, such Fabulous-ness shouldn't have died so anti-climatically like thousands of peasants before and after her. BTW: She never ever said "Let them eat cake". She was only ever properly brain-dead after they beheaded her, while she was young and unprepared, she was not stupid.) and approximately 50 000 people, when his time came and people turned on him and he was arrested, he tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the head. Only... He got the jaw.

Like in Fight Club? Where he shot himself in the head, but didnt... And shot himself in the jaw?? See??

Ladies and Gentlemen, the joys of a feminine brain, everything is linked, and everything is related to everything. Fight Club and the French Revolution...

I'm just saying
Couch out...

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