Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Late for me...

It has been an age and a half since last I gave Girl In The Purple Trench Coat some love (And by that, I don't mean me, I mean me. I mean the blog.) Thus I conclude that it is infact....Late For Me...

Um... About me... Exams... Done. Passed. The fabled, hated and feared First Semester... HAS BEEN CONQUERED...  *pause for applause

I'm home now. Been home for a few weeks. Since the 7th of June... Good Lord! Its the 6th today I've been here for nearly a month! My 45 days are coming to an end... Bittersweet.

Hmmm... I believe that I should speak about home. In this post. ,<Yes... *strokes chin. Good plan Couch. Good plan.> I shall speak of the meaning of home and discuss Pulp Fiction. No, Pulp Fiction will be discussed in a separate post. It deserves that much.


What is home??  According to Daughtry it is "The place where [he] belongs. Where love has always been enough for [him]". Home... Home... Home... Home is home. Is it a place or a feeling. I will stay ambivalent on that matter... We can all decide for ourselves. Is home the place you get real food?? The place where your laundry disappears off your floor the minute it drops? The place where people care when you get ill instead of insincere "get well soon-s"? The place you get hugs on demand? The place that's quiet when you're gone? The place where they love you? Yes.

Is it one place that is unchanging? Can one have multiple homes? There's a saying "You can't go home again.".   Or is home where they love you? Wherever it may be? I favor that last one. Home is where there is love. Where they love you. As to what Love is? I don't know. Personally, I run from it. Its just my instinct. Its ineffective... But you cant fault a girl for trying. So... Home is a place where they love you. Its why leaving home is bittersweet. I have known and loved these people and this little part of Africa I have colonized and call my own for 18 years of my life. Yet... I miss people that I've only known for 6 months, and even less. Maybe its that horrific circumstances bond people... That is the idea behind orientation and initiation and such.    But... If my world was crashing, I would... Bad example. I'd pretend it wasn't happening, till I was forced by someone Dear to look at it. I wouldn't run anywhere in particular. So... Is Cape Town home?? Hmmm... I wouldn't answer that with a resounding yes. Nor would I answer it with a resounding No. Nothing that resounds. I would say... Almost.

I am very very very sad to leave home, with all its comforts (food with taste, hugs on tap. Someone doing my laundry FOR me. And love that's unconditional.). However, I am very very keen to get back to my degree, and to my friendships. 7 weeks is a long time. Maybe the bittersweet-ness is because I am a creature of habit.  6 months is a longer time. Sigh... They are both theories with merit, so we'll hybridize them. Either way. I love being home. And home is loving me back. I will love Next Semester <--- note the caps.

But maybe that's because I'm just loving like that.

Or not.

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