Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ingrid Michaelsock

I know her name is Ingrid Michaelson... And why would I know this? Because she is my current obsession of  musical nature.  Hipster to the core, all the way to her very attractive spectacles (not that her specs are her core but you... yeah... you know what I mean).

She has a new album coming out... So brace yourselves... The Ingrid Posts are coming...

Hi5 all you game of throne-ers who understood that reference... For the rest of you...

Yes so... Here is video with Ingrid and her sock puppet... Yes, she has a sock puppet (named Ingrid Michaelsock), yes I know you want to name your children after her... Even your sons... Having a female name will only serve to make them stronger... Anywho, Couch must return to her studying... 

Fare thee well  

OH! Video! *Starts whistling....

Here is one of her older songs that is currently being butchered by yours truly:

Okay... Now I'll bounce... GOOB-eye

My friend, Phillip's blog: Cityhill Seeds - Planting for the future. Do it.

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