Sunday, April 24, 2011

Awesome Day

You know when a day is ending? And its going for 12... And you're sad to see it go??

That was today.

I spent today with the awesomest person in the world (Beware, here comes the corny...) She is the Ying to my Yang (Geddit?? Geddit?? Because I'm studying medicine, like Christina Yang?? And she has a Chinese guy way back when in her lineage?? So she's Ying??) We are not joined at the hip, we are joined at the soul, and yes, I know you're all throwing up in your mouths right now, and thats okay. I'm to content, drunk on caffine, sugar, happiness and universe juice to care.

Plus lots of this
And loads of these thrown in...
Equals this... i.e. HAPPY MARCY :D 
Today was so awesome that I have immortalized it in a journal, carrying it around as I went about my business, waiting backstage for my Bestest friend as she went about her business on stage. Just throwing it out there... She's awesome. I love her. Moving on.

I learned the art of Body Language tonight. I guided her as I learned. It isn't mastered quite yet... But at Dinner (Westville has the awesomest restaurants, just saying) but its fascinating! Turning that observant-ness into perceptiveness. Its super awesome. Saw best friends in the making, farting in the back-seat really brings boys together. Saw soul-mates in their quiet comfortable synchrony. It was a beautiful night. And yet again, I am near-delirious with fatigue, so the inhibitions... They are down. Well they are never fully down, thats not how I roll. I'm just gonna post awesome pictures now...

I mean really?!? Its the pope! He's awesome! AND he's gangster! 

The invention of the captioned image is a wonderful one, the world will never be the same...

So... I am heading off to... Well not bed. I'm just leaving the blog. till tomorrow (Fun Fact: Bidding someone Adeiu means "Till Heaven", typically said when one doesn't plan on seeing another... Well, one, again.) So I will just say, Au Reviour, Italian for, Until we meet again (PSH! NO! I did not learn that from 13 going on 30! I dont know what you're talking abou...)

Bye! :D

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