Monday, April 25, 2011

I've got this beating in my chest...

Its rhythmic.

There are certain people, whom I love, they are called friends.
A friend of mine, well, very fond acquaintance has this... thing about friends. She says she only has two. A friend to her is someone who she would tell about her sobbing her lungs and heart out the nigh before alone in her room. People she hangs out with everyday, are groupies, with levels of familiarity ranging from friend (there's only one with us in Cape Town), fond acquaintances to acquaintances. After being initially hurt by her not considering me a friend, (although its not as if i had poured out my soul to her or anything of the sort, its that its... well... its offensive) I re-evaluated my friendships and found out, that I too don't have that many. And the majority of them are up here, in Sunny Durban. The people I have there, I love, but I haven't let them in fully yet, for varying reasons. What constitutes a friend, I used to think it was someone you trusted enough to ask for a favour or for help, this is especially true for me because I am not in the habit f asking for help, I will struggle on my own until I get it, one thing I'm having to learn in Med School is to work smart and not quite so hard... I saw on a show called "Pretty Little Liars" (I'm only 18 okay... 18  and 14 days... Just saying) and she said that friendship is feeling comfortable enough with someone to be angry with them and know that they'll still love you the next day... I believe that too, although the latter depends on the kind of relationship you have with a person. However, if physics has taught me anything... Its that there are many different formulas to find the same thing... Combine them if possible.

So... What is friendship? Friendship is love. That has been established. Friendship is a pact, (Even Sheldon Cooper knows this...). Friendship is a... State of... Of... Of... Awesomeness, where forgiveness, acceptance, help, and hours of talking crap reside... In electron orbitals .... No, that's Chemistry. Its sounds very very corny, and cheesy and other stuff that there is no short supply of at McDs, and it sounds... Like I've been drinking (I would actually LOVE to see that! A drunk Marcia... Would be... A spectacle to behold). But these are my musings, thanks to Nicole they have moved on from the vortex of frustration they swirled in, Friendship is something that is a gift, its... God-sent, and sometimes its long lasting, sometimes its seasonal, sometimes its transient, but while its there, its a blessing, many things are... almost it, lesser forms of it or mutations of it, but few things are the real thing.

Aren't they lovely??
 Then... they will age, and get creepy.
 However, while they are kittens, they make me happy... (To look at, not to touch.)
I don't do cats.

I thank the Large Guy who Resideth Upstairs for the people he has gifted to me.

A few of my People have blogs now. Read them. There are others, (blogs. and People.) They will be posted at another time, the list will be compiled. - (The Bestest best friend in the whole wide world) - (The oracle of knowledge, the girl whisperer, The Luke)

Happy Easter for yesterday. Its the single most important event in history...


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